Midlands historical data & Ancestry are both available free at the library, although they only allow 1 hrs access per day per person

A search of the electoral rolls on Mids history site gives me the name of grandparents in the '50 and '55 rolls.
Searches for the 6 aunts and uncles looking for a matching mothers maiden name.
I now possibly have the marriage found and so onto the grandmothers birth possibly on freebmd.
I'm unsure though of the grandfather. A death index for him in 1983 ( possible as I remember being around 20 when he died) gives a birth date of 21 may 1908.
I have possible a match on freebmd under biths for june 1908 in leek first name only though unfortunately no mothers maiden name.
I have another, first name and 2nd initial for Aston in birmingham. The same area as the birth for the grandmother. But the date is too late, dec 1911 reg'd
So how long did you have to register births at the turn of the century?