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Lillypot Row, Rowley Regis

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 8:30 pm
by mallosa
Looking at my Evans ancestors who lived in Lillypot Row

I understand that they were very small cottages (now demolished) next to the Sir Robert Peel public house

Looking on Google maps, the cottages have been replaced with bungalows in between Sir Robert Peel and The Britannia Pub & Brewery

1851 Census shows there were 19 families living there. The Siviter family had as many as 10 people living in 1 cottage so they can't have been that small surely?

Re: Lillypot Row, Rowley Regis

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:19 am
by BC Wench
Have you seen this web site Mally.

This is the link to the area you want dated 1883 which is the earliest date

just scroll to the top where you see St Giles Church, then just follow the road down which is Birmingham Road where you'll see the Sir Robert Peel Pub. I can't see Lillypot Row named, but that must be the area you are talking about.

Re: Lillypot Row, Rowley Regis

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:56 am
by mumbles
1902 Ordinance Survey Map of Blackheath and Rowley Regis ( Alan Godfrey Maps )shows Robert Peel P.H. next to a School ( on Lower Side) and 11 or 12 houses or cottages on upper side going towards Bell End .
Some look quite small and some are as large as P.H.

Re: Lillypot Row, Rowley Regis

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 11:44 am
by BC Wench
Yes mumbles, that 1902 map is also on the link I gave. Also 1883, 1902, 1914 and 1937 maps. :thumbup:

Re: Lillypot Row, Rowley Regis

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:56 pm
by mallosa
just scroll to the top where you see St Giles Church, then just follow the road down which is Birmingham Road where you'll see the Sir Robert Peel Pub. I can't see Lillypot Row named, but that must be the area you are talking about.

Yes Barb that's the area! I hadn't seen the Ordinance Survey Map but found it really interesting. It's really opened my eyes to see sadly how much it has changed.

Since I started my research in 2008 and not having had any previous knowledge of the area, I have been trying to visualize where my mother and her parents lived, worked and played....I'm getting there :wink:

Re: Lillypot Row, Rowley Regis

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 12:20 am
by mallosa
mumbles wrote:1902 Ordinance Survey Map of Blackheath and Rowley Regis ( Alan Godfrey Maps )shows Robert Peel P.H. next to a School ( on Lower Side) and 11 or 12 houses or cottages on upper side going towards Bell End .
Some look quite small and some are as large as P.H.

Cheers Mumbles :thumbup: