3 generations of my maternal grand fathers were Fishmongers in East London - all going by the Name James Richard Turner - family myth states that one of them had their own shop? how would I be able to ascertain this - also anyone know where I could find more re fishmongers in east London - I know of the fishmongers Hall etc - the family were based from 1832 in Whitechapel through to Bow.
Its a case of doing things the traditional way. One thing a lot of people new to Family History Research do not anticipate, hey a few clicks of the mouse and its all online for you.. yes sure it is. (bit of a touchy issue with me at moment, but thats another story)
So, what you need to do is find a number of Directories for London and simply look through them, such as Kellys, These will have a list of trades and businesses, with plenty of adverts, so they could have taken an advert out as well, which is often a nice find.
Good news is that a number of directories can be found online, either in thier scanned form, or as a text copied out, part of the sweeping movement across the country to transcribe and digitize anything written down. Other than that it is a trip to library or an archive, you may need to visit libaries nearer the area in which you want to look up, as libraries tend to only have directories relevent to the area, but then they may have it on microfiche.
Anyway, its all part of the fun of researching family history.
Hit a Brickwall? Have you lost all trace of someone? Do not despair, simply make a note they were abducted by aliens! Don't believe in aliens? No problem, just write them off as having disapeared in a time portal