Wollaston, Stourbridge - History of Wollaston Group

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Joined: Wed May 02, 2012 7:53 am
Primary Surname Interests: Constant, Constance, Burton, Busby
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Wollaston, Stourbridge - History of Wollaston Group

Post by Blacksmith »

Many thanks to Admin for giving me permission to post the following links.

Wollaston, Stourbridge - History of Wollaston Group

Wollaston, Stourbridge has an active local history group, and now has a new discussion forum where members can exchange information about the village, various apects about its history and the people who lived there, including the opportunity to research ancestors

It is a fledgling site, but as it grows so the information shared will be more useful.

If you are interested in joining this forum, please join at http://historyofwollaston.zymichost.com/index.php

If you are also interested in our archive of photographs, maps etc, you can view these on our web site at: http://www.historyofwollaston.info/

Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Last edited by Blacksmith on Fri May 04, 2012 10:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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