What gets your goat?

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Re: What gets your goat?

Post by Northern Lass »

Rob wrote:I'm glad women hate football!!
That's how it should be!
You're my kind of gal NL.Do i know you?
Are you from oldbury?

and that's another thing that gets on me wick!

chauvi men!!
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Re: What gets your goat?

Post by Rob »

:lol: :lol:
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Re: What gets your goat?

Post by peterd »

none of them in here is there robbie :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What gets your goat?

Post by mallosa »

Rob wrote:I'm glad women hate football!!
That's how it should be!

Ahem! Not all women Robbie :wink:
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Re: What gets your goat?

Post by Nemo »

where does it end.............
mainly peoples downright selfish inconsiderate behaviour - dog stuff on pavements, spitting on pavements, dumping rubbish, not saying thanks if you hold doors open, dropping litter, throwing up on the pavement, taking hours getting their money out to pay at a supermarket checkout when they have stood there waiting for their turn, playing loud music from open window cars...................................god, what a moany old crock I am! :oops:
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Re: What gets your goat?

Post by Diamond »

Yes, doggy poops left outside your gate, please please clean it up, if you don't want to clean it up don't have a dog :evil:
Oh, now you've got me started, cars parked right across the footpath and everyone has to walk in the road.
Going out for a meal and it's spoilt by kids being allowed to run around and talk at the top of their voices, I must be getting a miserable old so and so whatever happened to children should be seen and not heard.
That's my grouse for the night.
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Re: What gets your goat?

Post by Northern Lass »

One thing that really really gets on me wick is rubbish service in a restaurant or pub
I am fed up of sending food back
or having one course served and then 10 mins later the other one arrives and then the portions are pathetic
and those kids that come round and trot out the usual " is everything alright with your meal" and you tell them and they just gawpe at you
fed up with it!!

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Re: What gets your goat?

Post by Rob »

I hardly ever get upset or annoyed.So long as people leave me alone and "don't touch" i'm happy but lately i find i'm getting irritated by people,and not always young ones, sitting next to me on the bus and talking to themselves from the time thay get on to the time they get off! They're usually people with hearing deficiencies as well! Why else the hearing aids!!
Really annoying!! Just a thought!! Like i say i'm really a placid person.
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Re: What gets your goat?

Post by Northern Lass »

Oh yeah you mean those personal stereo thingies...so annoying...what can you do though.
But then you could always use a bike!
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Re: What gets your goat?

Post by Rob »

Got a puncture!! :(

Have to mend it tomorrow.I had to walk home from the bus stop 20 minutes it took me!!
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Re: What gets your goat?

Post by Northern Lass »

And another thing that winds me up is people who push in a queue!
Like when you are waiting in one line with 2 tills and it is obvious we are not all standing there for the good of our health!
and you get some smart %£!$
Just march to the front with that stupid expression on their face like.."Oh here's a bit of luck no queue on this one"

Had it happen the other day so I explained there was a queue to which he replied ..."Oh well I am here now"!
So I asked the lady on the till not to serve him...and he still got served!

What do you do!
Kick up more of a fuss
or Kick him!
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Re: What gets your goat?

Post by dianel »

Put a hex on him. Wish him galloping haemarrhoids.
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Re: What gets your goat?

Post by Rob »

I hate that as well Northern Lasssie? :lol: :lol: tomorrow you'll be middleaged!! :lol: ooops sorry
Standing in one line e.g an airport check-in desk and the other line goes quicker so you swop over to that one and suddenly the one you were in goes quicker than the one you're now in!! :?
And you're in a hurry cos your flight departs in 30 minutes!!!!
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Re: What gets your goat?

Post by Northern Lass »

Rob wrote:I hate that as well Northern Lasssie? :lol: :lol: tomorrow you'll be middleaged!! :lol: ooops sorry
Standing in one line e.g an airport check-in desk and the other line goes quicker so you swop over to that one and suddenly the one you were in goes quicker than the one you're now in!! :?
And you're in a hurry cos your flight departs in 30 minutes!!!!

Is that a metaphor for life there Rob...is it like you worry about getting old and all of a sudden that is it you are 60!!
is that it?

you are so deep
yeah spooky
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Re: What gets your goat?

Post by Rob »

I'm spooky!!! :o :shock:
How did you know i was using a metaphor to describe life? :shock:
Now that's spooky!!

tomorow's the day!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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